East Bay Children’s Law Offices represent youth’s interests


Bay Area News Group

Photo: Anda Chu/Bay Area News Group

Kendi Martinez Garcia was 16 years old when she ran away from home for what would be the last time, from an abusive situation and a mother who didn’t believe her.

Garcia, now 19, ended up in the care of Alameda County Social Services. To help figure out what was best for her, Roxanne Romell, an attorney with the East Bay Children’s Law Offices, was assigned to her. Romell represents Garcia and her interests in court hearings, and advocates for her.

Romell was likely one of the first adults who believed Garcia’s story. Garcia ran away constantly, and her mother did not believe her allegations of abuse by a family member. But Romell did.

“After I was in the custody of Alameda County, I told my story to Roxanne, and she defended me in court,” Garcia said.

Read more at East Bay Times…

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Note: This story was fulfilled, but you can still donate to the general fund, which will be distributed to local charities throughout the year.

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