The spirit of giving is shining brightly in the Bay Area. Share the Spirit readers are stepping up to help their neighbors in need. As of January 24, 2024, your generous donations have totalled a heartwarming $529,294!
We’d like to express our deepest gratitude to our amazing donors. Your contributions will fuel essential programs that support countless families struggling in our local communities. Every dollar you give goes directly to work in the East Bay and will make a difference for so many. It is readers like you that make Share the Spirit a success year after year.
The following is a list of Share the Spirit donors whose generosity we’d like to publicly acknowledge. (If your name is missing or needs editing please email us at [email protected].) We are also grateful to the many anonymous donors who choose to quietly share their compassion.
Together, we can create a brighter holiday season for our neighbors in need.
All of the money raised goes to the nonprofit programs and families featured in the Share the Spirit campaign, with the East Bay Times covering all administrative costs of the program.
- Kent Abbott
- Steve Adachi
- Joy Addiego
- June Aguinid in memory of Ryanna Hernandez
- Theresa Airaudi
- Lisa Akselrad in memory of Rabbi Sidney and Marjorie Akselrad
- Diane Alexander
- Elsie Allen
- Chris & Linda Altomare in memory of Danny Martines
- J. Kendall & Tamara Anderson
- Larry Anderson in honor of Alcoholics Anonymous
- Les Andrade
- Renate Angeli
- Anonymous in honor of Brim
- Anonymous in honor of Indira Kurapati
- Anonymous in honor of Susan Hatch
- Anonymous in honor of Anne Weil
- Anonymous in honor of Arthur and Marjorie Strasburger
- Anonymous in honor of Barney
- Anonymous in honor of Daisy Lowe
- Anonymous in honor of James Heenan
- Anonymous in honor of Janus Reijnin
- Anonymous in honor of people in need
- Anonymous in honor of Cameron Lowell
- Patricia Arias
- Dr Cynthia Ashbrook & Jeffrey Smith
- Mr & Mrs Charles Aubin
- Shauna Avon
- Margaret Bajan
- Karen Bajuniemi
- Calista Hintz & Ballinger Kemp
- Barbara Barnacal
- Robert Barney
- Gregory Bartow
- Gregory & Carol Bauer
- Darlene Bearde
- Jutta Beckes
- Don & Lone Beeson
- Glen Bell
- Marcia Bender in memory of my BFF Faye
- Diane & Pat Benedict
- David Bengtson
- Cathy Bennett
- Denis & Diane Bianchi in honor of Rich & Tracy Otsuka Stefani
- Beatrice Bitner
- Sally Blackwell
- Mary Bland in memory of Anne & Ed Balles
- Dennis & Patricia Bleile
- Teresa L Bobbitt
- Burt Bogardus
- Sue Bollinger
- Leonie Bonarius in memory of Piet Bosboom
- Goldie Bond
- Daniel Borenstein
- Charles Bos
- Missie & Robert Bossi
- Dianne Bostick
- Barbara Bouchet in memory of Donald Bouchet
- Mike & Sue Brandy
- Jennifer Braun
- Ron & Liz Brazil
- Lynn & Butch Brear
- Alan Brecht in memory of John & Frances Brecht
- Susan Brekle
- Marilyn Bressler
- Jeff Brinley
- Jeff Bromberg
- Gordon Brown
- Pamela Brown & Larry Smith
- Jeff Bruno
- Frank & Marijean Brush
- Kim Buck
- Barbara Buckley
- Steve & Linda Buckman
- Donna Buessing
- Bruce Burke
- Sherida Bush & Tim Platt in memory of Kevin Moran
- Rich & Mary Butler
- Pat Buttner

- Patti C
- Kent & Karin Caldwell
- Bruce & Diana Cameron in memory of Grace Graham Bratherson
- Lynda Caputo
- Sue Carling
- Peter & Paula Carpenter
- Garth & Patricia Casaday
- Patricia Casey
- Jeff Castronovo
- Linda Centoni in honor of all our veterans
- Constance Chan in memory of Fred Kucera
- Michael & Sandra Chandler
- Doris Chapman
- Marguerite Chase
- Chellam Family Foundation
- Patricia Cheney
- Orlando & Jacqueline Chiavini
- Harvey and Susan Chin
- Marie Chun in memory of Frank & Joyce Chun; Mary & Bill Duncan; Candace Pattee
- JoAnne Ciazinski
- Paul Clancy
- Carol Click
- Gerald Cockrillin honor of Lacie
- P Coffey
- Louise Collari
- Steve Collins in memory of Helen Collins
- Lou & Bob Collins in memory of Patti & Deloris
- Jeanie Goldeen & Michael Conneran
- Bill & Barbara Cooper
- Doris Cooper
- Patrick Corder
- Charlie & Karen Couric
- Andrea Coval
- Charles & Virginia Cowden
- Margaret Craddock
- Kathy Crawford
- Robert Crespi
- Joselyn Crow
- Martha Crowein honor of Kristen Crowe
- Tom & Martha Crusius
- Nena Cruz
- Lynda & Alan Cunningham
- Phillip & Sandra Dalforno
- Beryl Deas
- Judith DelTredici
- Gary Depolo in memory of Carolyn Depolo
- Gordon DeVetter
- Debbie Dew
- Robert Docili
- Gary Dockter
- Donohoe Family
- Marion Dow
- Dolores Downing
- Patricia & Robert Duey
- Cherie Duncan in memory of Lloyd & Mildred Kirby
- Carol Dunkle in memory of Bill Dunkle

- Beth Elliott
- Marietta Elliott
- Trish Elliott
- Edee Ellison in memory of Wes Thomas
- James Estes
- Nancy Evans
- Aileen Evans in memory of Roger “Bud” Evans
- Marsha Everett
- Cheril Fagan
- Sue Falls
- Kathleen Farley in memory of my beloved parents, John & Clare Farley
- Justin Fawsitt
- Hugh & Anna Fehrenbach
- Nina Feldman
- Hiram Feldman
- Burke & Wendy Ferrari in honor of the Ferrari Family
- Nikola Filby
- James & Sharon Filippi
- Nancy & Larry Fitzgerald
- Sally & Earl Flage
- Paul & Fran Flores
- FNR Properties LLC
- Bejamin Fong
- Fontanta Family Foundation
- Jane Fontius
- David & Cheryl Forde
- Natalie Forrest in memory of Douglas Sprague
- Julie Frank
- Janet Frazier
- Susan Freeman
- Simon Fresquez
- Ednah Beth Friedman
- David Fulkerson in memory of Justin Torquemada
- Virginia Fullarton
- George Fulmore
- Fred & Betty Furuta
- Dorie Gallinatti
- Christine Garcelon in honor of Carol, Diane, & Lillian
- Diane Garcia
- Maya Gardnerin memory of William Denevan
- Denise Garello
- Kathleen Geddes
- Teri Gerritz in memory of Gretchen de Golia
- James Ghiringhelli
- Thomas & Gail Gibbons
- Anne Gilbert
- Gillivan Family Trust in honor of Judy M. Gillivan
- Joan Giovannoni
- Barbara Glass
- James Glaze
- Sharon Glover
- Don Goerlitz in memory of Cecilia Goerlitz
- Carol Gonsalves in memory of Chet Gonsalves
- John Gonzales
- Sara Goolsby in memory of Harry Burke
- Susanna Gordon in memory of James P Gordon
- Diane Grant
- Janet Grant
- Gary and Kelly Gray
- Cheryl Gray in memory of Jana Lyn Gray
- Peter & Rose Greeff
- Bob & Donna Grier
- Diane Griffiths
- Jackie Grissom in memory of Terri Grissom
- Phil & Susan Grover
- John Gruenstein in memory of Lillia Alvarez
- Janis Guevara in honor of Marce & Orlando Guevara
- Charles and Ginger Guthrie
- Ann & Ben Guthrie

- Susan Hageman
- Kathleen Hale
- Maureen Hallisy in memory of Scott
- Perry & Maria Hamilton
- David Hampton
- Evie Harner
- Ron & Natalie Harnish in memory of Al & Bess Gildroy
- Patricia Harrington
- John Harris
- Peter Hartdegen
- Janis Hashe
- Walter & Arlene Hashimoto
- Tracey Haught
- Roberta Healy
- John & Louise Heffernan in memory of James & Betty Heffernan
- Mike & Sandy Heller
- Daniel & Carol Henry
- Tim & Sharyn Henshaw
- Carolie Hensley
- Teri and Van Henson
- Ramona Hernandez in memory of Tony Garza
- Cheree Hethershaw in honor of those who help at Meals On Wheels
- Anita Hiebert in memory of Ralph W. Hiebert, my husband
- Hobbs Family in memory of Evelyn Simms
- Rose Hofer in memory of Kurt Hofer
- FM & Conny Hoffschneider
- Mary Ann Hoisington
- Charles Honodel in memory of Kay Honodel
- Howard Hornig
- Timothy Houck
- Sylvia Howard
- Debra Hudson in memory of Aunt Donna
- Gene Huffman
- Judith Huse
- Victoria Infante in honor of Nutmeg, Duster, Sweepea, & Midas
- Holly Ito
- Annette Iwamoto

- William & Rosemarie Jacksonin memory of Mary Rabner
- Richelle Jacobs
- Patricia Jakes
- Katherine Jarrett
- Nyles Johnsonin memory of Anthony “Tony” Gladson, Sharon & Danny Pimentel, Edwin “Ed” Lewis
- William Johnson in honor of Pauline Brisbin
- Katherine Johnson
- Anne Johnsonin memory of Dr & Mrs John McNulty and Robert E. McNulty
- Kirk Johnson
- Dan & Deborah Johnston
- Anne & Steve Jones
- Sam & Michelle Jones
- Frances Jones in memory of Jennifer Anne Jones & Michael Mitchell Jones Jr
- Debra K & Denise N in memory of Mom K
- Sharon Kadi
- Diane & Terry Kamrinin honor of Colin, Clari, Kyle, & Cory
- Caroline Kane
- Kiyoshi & Irene Katsumoto
- Kent & Catherine Kavasch
- Cynthia Kay in memory of Lanning Kay
- Linda Kearney
- Gary & Carol Kefer
- Larry & Ann Keiffer
- Bruce Kelly in memory of Lynn F Trostad
- Don & Colette Kelsey
- Nina Kindblad & Ken Burke
- Judy Kennedy
- Teresa Kennedy
- William King in memory of Chester Stoltman
- William King
- Merryann Kiser in honor of Susan Anthony, Daughter
- L Pat Kite in memory of Mom
- Susan & John Klein
- Karen Kleinerin memory of Jinny Kleiner
- Marilyn Knowles in memory of John A Knowles
- Kosich Family Insurance
- Lawrence & Marcia Kolb
- Gregg & Anne Korbin
- Donna & Tom Kozel
- Carl & Roswitha Kress
- Donna & Joe Kruger
- David Krumboltz
- Shirley Kruse
- Jyoti Kumra
- Michael Kurtz

- Irene La Fayette
- Heidi Lagrandeur in memory of Tim Dell’Ara
- Marianne Lamberts in memory of Albert & Georgette Labarthe
- Connie Land
- Marion Larson
- Scott Law
- Ellen & Matt Lawrence
- Kathryn Layton
- Rebecca Lazzarotto
- Joanne Leach
- Nina & Henry Lederman in honor of Nancy & Ken Sher
- Linda Ledgerwood
- Gary & Mely Lee
- Marrianne Lehman
- Julienne Lemoine
- Miriam Clare LePell
- Marlene Lerner-Bigley
- Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation
- Midge Lewis in memory of Ed Lewis
- Marty & Rich Lewis
- Janet Lieber
- Mr & Mrs Alfredo Lieras
- John Lindberg
- Nana Lisa
- Michael Lohman
- Sidne Long and Hank Delevati
- Meredith Longshore
- John Lopez in memory of Tom & Rose Lopez
- Fred Lorenzetti in memory of Oreste & Maria Lorenzetti
- Gloria & Fred Louie
- William & Betty Costa Low in memory of Robbie Costa & Jonathan Low
- Carole Lucas
- Jon Lucchese & Jason Knett in memory of Gina Larue
- Colleen Lund
- Pam & Chuck Luther
- Mark Lyall
- Jerry & Trish MacIntosh
- Paul & Janyce Mack
- Mark MacMahon
- A Jane Maddalone in memory of Alice E Martin
- Nancy Magee
- Julie Magilen
- Jon Maienschein
- Raymond & Betty Marchetti
- Jack & Judie Marks
- Karen Marlin
- Paula Marshall
- Joe Martinez
- Sharon Masingale
- Markley Mason in memory of Carolyn Mason
- Carole Mason
- Dana Matthews
- Carol Matthews in memory of Robert Matthews
- Christine Maxwell
- Kathleen McCarter
- Bernice & Michael McCarthy
- Elaine McClellan
- Mike Mcelroy
- Donald McKenzie
- Dirk Mellema
- Virginia Mellen
- Mary Mendes
- Paul & Connie Menzies
- Ronnie Meza
- Donna Mickelson in memory of Tim Gordon
- Melissa & Steve Miller
- E & L Miller in honor of Urban Forest Friends
- Nick & Heidi Miller in memory of Vince Gagliardi
- Marion Mills
- Anne Mitchell
- Karen Mitchoff
- L Mogianesi in honor of Anthony Bass-Way to go, Congratulations
- Ann & Bill Moon in memory of Edward & Frances Moon, George & Ada Warren
- Walter Moresi in memory of Shirley Moresi
- Glenn Morrison
- Sharon Morrison in memory of Bob Griffitts
- Shereen Motarjemi
- Andrew Moyce
- Kim Muller
- Matthew and Evelyn Mullins
- Carolyn Mun
- Christina Munoz in honor of my husband Mal and son Glenn
- Joan Murakami
- Joseph Murphy
- Jodi Murphy
- Linda & Dave Myers
- Barbara & Jay Myers

- Karen Najarian
- Billie Narver
- Janet Neale in memory of Richard Neale
- James Neel
- Paula Nichols
- Nobriga Family in memory of Rosalie & Manuel Nobriga
- Marcia Nyman
- Candace O’Brien
- Casey O’Neill
- Patricia O’Neill
- Leslie Oaks
- Jean & Dale Olds
- John & Deni Oliver
- Rhoda Olkin
- Julia Olkin
- Dick & Sally Olsen
- Fuad & Debra Omran in memory of Nalip & David Omran, Zariffe Denegri
- Ethan Orloff
- Gary & Joan Ostenberg
- Gary Ottesen
- Peter Overtonin memory of Ryan Stucken
- Norm & Joyce Pacheco
- Rodger & Jorene Page
- Ken & Jackie Pardini
- Linda Paricio
- Ronnie Parker-West
- Rebecca Parr
- Marla Patterson
- Christine Pattillo
- Fred Paxton
- Lamont D Paxton MD
- Sons & Daughters Pearl Harbor Survivors Chapter 5 in honor of Pearl Harbor Survivors, living or deceased
- Birgit & Ed Pearson
- John & Bette Peddicord
- Thomas Peltier in memory of Roscoe Sheriff
- Nicola Perronein memory of Fay Perrone
- Eleanor Perry in memory of Fred, Kent, & Greg Perry
- Thomas Phillips
- Sylvia Phillips
- Linda Pirlot
- Pam & Dennis Plant in memory of Mary Plant
- Spencer Platt
- Goody Pleasanton in honor of Patty Stirton & Pete Pleasanton
- Mike & Khati Pocha
- Cindy & Randy Pond
- Robin Poppino-Kuntz
- Marcia Pratt
- Maria Premieau
- Michael & Rita Press
- Virginia & Jack Preston
- Barbara Preston
- Jim Price
- Jordan & Lynn Price
- Yvonne & Michael Prough
- R & C Puppione in memory of Bob & Genne Walter
- Karen Queen
- Jean Quirk

- Ralph Rader & Pamela Deas
- Susan Rainey in memory of Richard Rainey
- Susan M. Rainey in memory of Richard Rainey
- Tom & Carol Raney
- Robin Rankin
- Michael Rapine
- Ann & Don Rathjen
- Stephanie Ray
- Mary Beth Read
- Patricia Read
- Richard Reeder
- Kathleen & August Reinig in memory of Rosa
- Dusty & Linda Rhoades
- Vera Elaine Rhodes in memory of K. S. Dusty Rhoades
- Robert Rieder
- Vickey Rinehart in memory of Margaret Knight
- Mertin Ritchie
- Jean Robertson
- Matthew Rohner in memory of RC Rohner
- Joan Rose
- Ellen Rosen
- Miki Ross in memory of Kevin Mason, J-Too, Anthony, & Daddy James
- Lynn Roundy
- Joy Roush
- Kris Rowland
- Jean & Nile Runge
- Robert W Sanders in memory of Mrs Joan L Sanders
- Kathleen Sarconi
- Bill & Emily Schardt
- Bonnie Schlobohm
- Gregg Schluntz in memory of Nancy Schluntz
- Julie Schnur
- Barbara Schonfeld
- Joni Schuld
- Bill Schumann in memory of Janet Schumann
- Joann Scott
- Rob & Susan Scott
- Pat Seaman & Rodney Kilcoyne
- Shirley Semenza
- Stephanie Seminoff
- Gerald & Leanne Severson
- Stephanie Shell
- Joe & Janet Sholes
- Kathryn Sievers Laborde in memory of Taryn, Marc, & Scott Sievers
- Patricia Singer
- Shirleymae Skaredoff
- Stephen Sklavos
- David Skye
- Ruth Ann & Tom Smigielski
- Laurel Smith
- Lance Smith
- Celia Sores
- Daniel & Sue Spencer in memory of Barbara Bergeron
- Cherry Sprague
- Thor Start
- Carol Statley
- Joyce Stein
- R & L Steiner
- Karin Stenberg
- Jutta Stephan
- John Stephenson
- Mary Stevens
- Nora Stoffel in memory of Thomas Stoffel
- John & Helen Stone in memory of William Ainslow
- Frances & David Strykowski in memory of Esther Morris
- Tom Sturm
- Kathleen Sullivan
- Alan & Dawn Surges
- Lois Swanson
- Arthur Swenson

- Judy Taggart in memory of Gene Taggart
- Robert Tamillow in memory of Louisa N Tamillow
- Eleanor Tandowsky
- Robert & Carol Taunton
- John Templeton
- Arthur & Joan Tenbrink
- Elsa Tenorio
- Larry & Carol Tessler
- Mark Thibedeau
- Jade Thibedeau
- Janet Thomas
- Alan & Cheryl Thompson in honor of Laurel Crockett
- Jeannie Thomson
- Barbara Thornton in memory of Hal Thornton
- Lynne Tierney
- Quinlan Tom
- Ronald Toombs
- Rosalynne Torres
- Rosalynne B. Torres
- Emily Toy
- Stacey Travis
- Diane Trewin in memory of Mary Beth Pitcher
- Sharon & Mike Trott
- Sonny & Gail Tsuboi
- Timothy Tsun
- Thomas Tucker
- TWANDA Foundation
- John & Gwynne Tysell
- Mary Ulrich in memory of Stephan Ulrich
- Vea Van Kessel
- Corrie Vanderhulst in memory of Susan McClanahan
- Robin & Dean Vanni in memory of Fred Vanni
- Nancy Vasko
- Gerald Veiluva
- Lou & Candace Venegas in honor of the Mackin Family
- Andrea Vigil
- Ted Von Hemert
- Linda VonNovak
- Susan Wacek
- Susan Wagner
- John and Janine Walkinshaw
- Marjorie Wallace in memory of Ron Wallace
- Bryan & Susan Walley
- Jim Walsh
- James Walsh
- Carolyn Wangin memory of Buddy who went to dog heaven
- Patricia Ward
- Mr & Mrs Bill Watanabe in memory of Mr. & Mrs. James Kamada
- Brent & Terri Watkins in memory of Frank & Theresa Hannig
- Pamela Waysack in memory of Robert Kirby
- Lisa Weaver
- Betty & William Webster
- Ruth Weimann
- Melanie Wendell
- Sally West
- Carolyn & Tom Westhoff
- Ninette Wettstein
- Idell Weydemeyer in memory of DG Meremeyer
- Aria & Bill White in memory of Lois & Bill White
- Deborah Whitney
- Shirley & Wayne Wiegand
- Bob & Judy Wilkenfield
- Patsy Williams
- Diane Williams
- Margaret Williams
- Lisa Williams
- John & Noel Wilson
- Lois Winter
- Anne Winter
- Martha & Sanford Wishnev
- Judy Wobleski
- Lindsay Wong
- Kathy Woolleyin memory of Al & Betty Steffe and Al & Irene Petrini
- Pamela Wyche

- Betty Yates
- Michael Yoshino
- Meredyth & Gregory Young in memory of John Eilers
- Randall & Sharon Young in memory of Rob & Dollie Young and Chip & Mickey Imai
- Wayne Young
- Mary Young in honor of Grace Loney & Muggs
- Jon & Bette Zbasnik
- Linda Zercher
- Tom & Carol Zientara
- Carol Zuckerman
- Barbara Zuniga
Thank you for your generosity!